Scientology Definiton: Scio (Latin) “knowing, in the fullest sense of the word,” logos (Greek) “study of.” Thus Scientology means “knowing how to know.”
Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being.
Scientology addresses the spirit—not the body or mind—and believes that Man is far more than a product of his environment, or his genes.
Scientology comprises a body of knowledge which extends from certain fundamental truths. Prime among these are:
Man is an immortal spiritual being.
His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime.
His capabilities are unlimited, even if not presently realized.

Written by L. Ron Hubbard in September 1965.
A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights, are the aims of Scientology.
First announced to an enturbulated world in 1950, these aims are well within the grasp of our technology.
Nonpolitical in nature, Scientology welcomes any individual of any creed, race or nation.
We seek no revolution. We seek only evolution to higher states of being for the individual and for society.

Within the vast amount of data which makes up Scientology’s religious beliefs and practices there are many principles which, when learned, give one a new and broader view of life. Knowing the Tone Scale, for instance, a person can see how best to deal with a grumpy child, mollify an upset friend or get an idea across to a staid employer. These principles amount to a huge area of observation in the humanities. It is a body of knowledge there for the learning. There is nothing authoritarian in it. It is valuable purely as a body of knowledge.
More on Scientology Beliefs & Practices

Since the forming of the first Church of Scientology in 1954, the religion has grown to span the globe. Today, more than 10,000 Scientology Churches, missions, related organizations and affiliated groups minister to millions in 165 countries. And those numbers are constantly growing; in fact, Scientology’s presence in the world is growing faster now than at any time in its history.

L. Ron Hubbard was an author, philosopher, humanitarian and Founder of the Scientology religion. He was born March 13, 1911, in Tilden, Nebraska, and passed away January 24, 1986.
His long and adventurous road to discovery began at an early age. Under the tutelage of his mother, a thoroughly educated woman, he was reading well beyond his years: Shakespeare, Greek philosophy and an array of later classics. Yet his early years were far from bookish and with his family’s move to Helena, Montana, he was soon breaking broncos with the best of the local wranglers.
Find Out More About L. Ron Hubbard
“For nearly a quarter of a century, I have been engaged in the investigation of the fundamentals of life, the material universe and human behavior. Such an adventure leads one down many highways, through many byroads, into many back alleys of uncertainty, through many strata of life…”

The Dianetics symbol uses the Greek letter delta as its basic form. The green stripes stand for growth, the yellow stripes are for life.
The four green stripes represent the four subdivisions of Man's urge to survive which are delineated in Dianetics.
Dianetics: dia (Greek) through, nous (Greek) mind or soul.
To understand exactly how Scientology is used, something should be known of the track of research L. Ron Hubbard traveled and the antecedent of Scientology—Dianetics.
Dianetics is a methodology which can help alleviate unwanted sensations and emotions, irrational fears and psychosomatic illnesses (illnesses caused or aggravated by mental stress).
It is most accurately described as what the soul is doing to the body through the mind.